DROP Account Summary

The DROP Account Summary screen allows you to view information about your DROP account and generate DROP statements.

To access the DROP Account Summary screen, click on the DROP Account Summary option in the menu. The DROP Account Summary screen opens.

Each of your DROP accounts is displayed on cards. Each card displays the following information:

Flipping the card by clicking on the double arrows in the upper right part of the card displays additional DROP account information:

Clicking on either side of the card reveals the DROP Transactions grid. This grid lists the details of any transactions related to your DROP account.

You can limit the transactions displayed in the grid by using the Transaction Filter. To see the Transaction Filter, you may need to click on the arrow next to where it says Transaction Filter. Select a Transaction Type and/or a Transaction Posted From and To date range. Once your filter criteria is entered, click the Apply button. This limits the list of transactions when trying to locate a specific transaction or group of transactions.

Transaction details displayed includes:

DROP statements can be generated from the DROP Account Summary screen by clicking the down arrow in the upper right part of the card and selecting the Generate Statement option. For more on generating DROP Statements see DROP Statements.

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