DROP Statements

DROP statements are used to communicate the activity that has occurred on your DROP account within a specified period of time. DROP statements include a summary of your DROP account, your DROP balance at the beginning of the statement period, a list of all transactions posted during the statement period, and your DROP balance at the end of the statement period.

DROP statements are available as .pdf files and can be saved or printed.

To generate a DROP Statement, click on the DROP Account Summary option in the menu. The DROP Account Summary screen opens. Each of your DROP accounts is displayed on cards. Click the down arrow in the upper right part of the appropriate card and select the Generate Statement option. The DROP Statement Parameters screen opens.

Enter a Period Begin Date and Period End Date. This is the time period to be covered in the DROP statement.

Click Generate. The DROP statement appears in a separate window as a .pdf file. You can save or print this file.

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