
The Profile Edit screen allows you to change your online account password, username, email address, and security challenge questions.

To access the Profile Edit screen, click on the Profile option in the menu or use the Profile link in the top part of the screen. The Verify Identity screen opens.

Enter your password and click Continue. The Profile Edit screen opens.

To change your password:

You can change the password you use to access your account.

Enter your new password in the New Password field and enter it again in the Confirm Password field. Click the Update link and the new password is saved.

Anytime during the process before clicking Update, you can stop the process by clicking Cancel. This cancels the change password process and takes you to your Account Summary screen.

When you change your password, a confirmation email is sent to you.

To change your Username:

You can change the username you use to access your account.

Your current username is displayed.

Enter your new username in the New Username field and enter it again in the Confirm Username field. Click the Update link and the new username is saved.


To change your email address:

Note: This screen allows you to change the email address associated with your online account. This is the email address used for all notifications and confirmations sent to you from your online account. Changing your email address on this screen DOES NOT change the email addresses on file for you with the retirement office.

Your current email address is displayed. Enter the new email address in the New Email field and enter it again in the Confirm Email field. Click Update and the new email address is saved.

Any time during the process before clicking Update, you can stop the process by clicking Cancel. This cancels the email change process.

When you change your email address, a confirmation email is sent to both your old and new email addresses.

To change your challenge questions:

You can change the challenge questions you need to enter when you use the Forgot Your Password and Forgot Your Username screens accessed from the Login screen. These challenge questions are the ones you entered when you registered for your account. There are two challenge questions and you can change both or just one. Each new question also needs a corresponding answer to be entered.

Select a new Question #1 and/or Question #2 by clicking on the down arrow and clicking on a question. Type in the answer for any question you changed. Alternately, you can leave the questions the same and enter new answers.

Click the Update link and the new challenge questions and answers are saved. When you change your challenge questions and/or answers, a confirmation email is sent to you.

Anytime during the process before clicking Update, you can stop the process by clicking Cancel. This cancels the change challenge question process.


Additional Preferences:

If you want to have the website tour available to you when you log in, select the "Show Site Tour prompt upon logging in" box.

Remembered Devices

When logging into your online account for the first time from a device (or from a device you had not previously had your online account remember), you were prompted to indicate whether you wanted your account to remember that device. If you indicated you wanted to have your account remember the device(s), this allowed you to forego answering your Challenge Questions when logging in from that device.

In this section, you see a list of all of these devices that you have used to access your account and the date and time your account was last accessed from that device. You can select any device(s) you want to remove from this list by selecting the box next to the device(s) and clicking the Remove Selected button. If you again use a device you have removed from this list to access your account, you will have to answer your Challenge Questions when doing so.

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