Personal Information

The Personal Information screen allows you to view, add, and modify personal information on file with your pension fund. This information includes addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and demographic information.

To access the Personal Information screen, click on the Personal Information option in the menu. The Personal Information screen opens.

The Address section of the screen contains your address information on file with the retirement office. By selecting an Address Type (click the down arrow and select an address type), you can view the addresses your fund has on file for you. To add a new address or change an existing address, select an Address Type and enter or modify the information as you wish. Click Update and the information you entered is saved. You can do this for as many different address types as you like.

The Phone section of the screen contains your telephone number information on file with the retirement office. By selecting a Phone Type (click the down arrow and select a telephone type), you can view the phone numbers your fund has on file for you. To add a new phone number or change an existing number, select a Phone Type and enter or modify the information as you wish. Click Update and the information you entered is saved. You can do this for as many different phone types as you like.

The Email section of the screen contains your email address information on file with the retirement office. By selecting an Email Type (click the down arrow and select an email address type), you can view the email addresses the retirement office has on file for you. To add a new email address or change an existing email address, select an Email Type and enter or modify the information as you wish. Click Update and the information you entered is saved. You can do this for as many different email address types as you like. Note: The e-mail address associated with your Login Account is not displayed on this screen. To view or change the e-mail address associated with your online account, use the Profile link in the menu.

The Additional Information section includes your birth date, gender, ethnicity, and any spouse information. If any of these items are blank, it is because this information is not on file with your pension fund. If you would like any missing information added or incorrect information corrected, contact the retirement office.

If you made any changes on this screen, a confirmation correspondence is sent to the e-mail address associated with your online account.

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