Member and DROP Statements

The Statements screen is used to download, view, and print existing member statements and DROP statements.

Member statements and DROP statements are used to communicate the activity that has occurred on your accounts within a specified period of time. This screen includes the statements that have been generated and sent to you by the retirement office. DROP statements that you generate yourself from your online account do not appear here.

To access the Statements screen, click on the Statements option in the menu. The Statements screen opens.

Available Member and DROP statements are displayed as cards on the screen. To limit the cards displayed to only those for Member statements or DROP statements, select the appropriate Statement Type.

Information displayed on each card includes the date range covered in the statement and the date the statement was issued.

Note: The information on this screen can be viewed in a grid rather than cards by clicking the "view as grid" link in the upper right part of the screen.

A "New" tag appears on the card of each statement that you have not yet viewed. Once you have viewed the statement, the "New" tag disappears.

To download a statement, click on the card. A Download option appears. Select the Download option and you are prompted to either save the file or open it. If you open it, a .pdf file will open in a separate window. You can view its contents and print it.

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