Estimate a Future Benefit

The Benefit Estimate screen allows you to estimate the benefit you will be eligible to receive upon retirement or disability, or the benefit your beneficiary receives in the event of death.

Benefit estimates can be calculated based on projected dates of separation in addition to type of retirement. Benefit estimates are generated into .pdf files and can be viewed, saved, or printed. The Benefit estimates you generate using this tool are also accessible by the retirement office personnel so that you can later discuss the estimates with them.

To access the Benefit Estimator, click on the Estimate a Benefit option in the menu. The Benefit Estimate screen opens.

Enter the following information:

Benefit Options

Beneficiary (the fields in the Beneficiary section are optional)

After you have completed entering the requested information, click the Generate button. If there are any errors, they will be displayed and you can make the necessary corrections to your entered information. If the request to generate the estimate is successful, the My Estimates section appears with a new card displayed containing information on the benefit estimate. If you have previous Benefit Estimates, cards for those estimates may be displayed here as well.

To view a Benefit Estimate, click on the card. A message appears asking if you would like to have your detailed salary information included in your estimate. After selecting Yes or No, you are prompted to either save the file or open it. If you open it, a .pdf file will open in a separate window. You can view its contents and even print it.

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