View/Print Correspondence

Correspondence sent to you from your pension fund is made available for you to view or print from the Correspondence screen. Correspondence is available as .pdf files.

To access the Correspondence screen, click on the Correspondence option on the menu. The Correspondence screen opens.

All of your correspondence is displayed as cards on this screen. The name of the correspondence is displayed at the top of the card. The date on the correspondence is also displayed on the card.

Note: The information on this screen can be viewed in a grid rather than cards by clicking the "view as grid" link in the upper right part of the screen.

A "New" tag appears on the card of each piece of correspondence that you have not yet viewed. Once you have viewed the correspondence, the "New" tag disappears.

To download the correspondence, click on the card. A Download option appears. Select the Download option and you are prompted to either save the file or open it. If you open it, a .pdf file will open in a separate window. You can view its contents and print it.

Correspondence can be removed from the screen by clicking the down arrow in the upper right part of the card and selecting Delete. A message appears asking whether you are sure you want to delete the correspondence. Click Yes and that piece of correspondence will no longer appear on this screen.

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