Communication Settings

The Communication Setting screen allows you to change the method (Mail or Email) by which certain communications from the retirement office are sent to you. You can even opt for different methods for different kinds of communication.

To access the Communication Setting screen, click on the Communication Settings option in the menu. The Communication Setting screen opens.

For each Communication Type, you can change the Delivery Method by clicking the down arrow and selecting a new Delivery Method. The specific address associated with that Delivery Method appears to the right. Note that the Default type applies to any communication not specifically identified on this screen.

To add a communication setting for a communication type not shown, click the Add Communication Setting link.

Select the Communication Type and Delivery Method. Your mailing address or email address appears. Note that some Communication Type and Delivery Method combinations may not be allowed and you will need to contact your pension fund. Click Insert to save your new communication setting.

If you choose Mail, the designated communication type will be sent to your home address. If you choose Email, email notifications related to the designated communication type will be sent to the email address associated with your online account. If you wish to use a different mailing address or email address, contact the retirement office to update your communication settings.

Initially, a password is assigned to you for any Default, Member Statements, and DROP Statements email correspondence settings. To view that password, click on the asterisks next to Current.

To change that password, select the Custom option and enter your new password. Enter the new password a second time in the Confirm box. Click the Save Changes button. This same procedure can be used to change your custom password later, if you like.

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