Benefit Payment History

The Benefit Payment History screen allows you to view details of benefit payments that you have received. You can view this information for specific benefits and you can select the year for which you want to view benefit payments.

To access the Benefit Payment History screen, click on the Benefit Payment History option in the menu. The Benefit Payment History screen opens.

Note: The information on this screen can be viewed in a grid rather than cards by clicking the "view as grid" link.

If you have more than one benefit and would like to see information on a benefit that is not currently displayed, click on the benefit displayed next to "Viewing" at the top of the screen. This opens a list of your benefits. Select the benefit you wish to view. The benefit payments for the selected benefit is then displayed on the screen.

The Selected Year field automatically displays the current year, but you can click on the down-arrow and select a different year.

The Benefit Payment History section displays individual cards for all of the payments made for the selected benefit during the selected year. Information displayed for each payment includes:

Flipping the card by clicking on the double arrows in the upper right part of the card displays a breakdown of the payment.

To view detail of a specific payment, click the card (either side). The Payment Details screen opens.

The following payment detail information appears on this screen:

Note that any amounts displayed in parenthesis are negative amounts that are deducted.

The Benefit Details screen also allows you to view the payment receipt if it is available. At the bottom of the screen, click the View Receipt button. You will be prompted to either save or open the .pdf file.

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