Account Summary Information

The Account Summary screen allows you to view general information about your retirement account. This includes information about your current plan membership and employment, service credit, and your retirement account contributions.

To access the Account Summary screen, click on the Account Summary option in the menu. The Account Summary screen opens. For active members, this is also the screen that appears when you first log in.

Beneath your name at the top of the screen, the first section contains the details of your membership in the retirement plan.

Note that the Participation Date, Plan, Employer and Employment Date information is repeated for any additional plans or employers.

The My Service section contains information about your service credit, which is the amount of time that you have worked toward retirement. Service credit, along with your final average salary, is used to calculate your retirement benefits.

The My Contributions section displays the contributions you have made to your retirement account. The amounts are broken down by contribution type, as well as pre-tax, post-tax and interest amounts. There are grand totals at the bottom.

If you have an active DROP account, you will also see a section that contains information about your DROP account.

Note: If you have an active DROP account, the balances in the My Contributions section do not include contributions posted to the DROP account

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